This term our junior and lower middle school students will be Jump Jamming while the upper middle and senior school will be Ballroom Dancing!
What is Jump Jam?
Undoubtedly, this program is successful because it is
so much FUN! Our students just LOVE IT!
By enjoying and understanding the health and physicial
exercise benefits of aerobics, students eventually become
future role models by leading fellow students through the
routines and later instructing their communities.
Cultural movement concepts from NZ society are
included i.e. Haka, Polynesian, Latin, Indian,
South African, Spanish and even martial arts fitness.
Cardiovascular fitness is interwoven with dance,
drama and music to allow a creative self expression
for the students as they explore and identify a variety
of dance styles.
Students also relate with each other within the group
dynamic, sometimes working as one unit, other times
performing separate masculine and feminine cultural
movement patterns.
Please ensure your child knows which day their class has Jump Jam.
(Their classroom teacher will be able to tell them.)
The upper middle school and senior school will be learning a little history of a few dances and will hopefully share their new skills with their syndicates at the end of the term.
ALL students are to be dressed appropriately for their dance classes. Jeans are not to be
worn for these classes. Each student should bring a water bottle as
they are working very hard and heat up very quickly.